Úloh: Traditional Ifugao Blanket
The traditional Ifugao blanket is usually made of 3 panels: adolna (middle), balingbing (side), and talungtung (border). These panels are woven separately. Once completed, they are put together by traditional stitch patterns.
Like other Ifugao textiles, red and black are the dominant colors of Ifugao blankets. White, yellow, and green are also used depending on the locality where the blanket was woven.
While we still make and use the traditional blankets described here, most of what we put online are new creations inspired by these textiles. With blessings from the elders, we have switched the colors and patterns to innovate and bring new life into the weaves that we make.

This blanket was once used only by the highest levels of kadangyan (nobility) in ritual gatherings and as a funerary garment. It is woven exclusively using the binobodan technique in Kiangan and Asipulo. The four panels of the kinuttiyan are made by combining the patterns of the inlah’dang and pinagpagan blankets.

The inlah’dang is made of one adolna, two balingbing, and two talungtung pieces. It is a blanket specifically used by the kadangyan for ritual and funerary purposes.
It is marked by the iniddo (serpent) which runs on all sides of the fabric. It also features the linuhhung (mortar), tinaggu (human), hinakhaklung (dipper), tinallo, ginlot (the beheaded), inambayung (hip bag), and hinikkitan (weaving shuttle).

The baya’ung is the current standard Ifugao blanket used by all men of all ages regardless of social status. Previously, it was exclusive to older members of the upper class and to ritual specialists.
It is identified by broad black panels which are complimented by red strips. Traditionally, it featured the linuhhung, hinolgat (spear head), and hinulgi (complex diamond pattern) complex. For the modern versions, the colors used are still the same but the design patterns have been changed.
The pinagpagan is both a funerary and a ceremonial blanket. The pagpag pattern is composed of binongogan and hinulgi pairs woven in odd numbers. The number of pairs is used to determine the proper blanket to be used, as well as the number of days for the funeral. The pinnit, a red diamond design representing the wild raspberry, is overlaid on the hinulgi pattern. It signifies that at least 1 carabao will be included as part of the dangli, the sacrificial animals during the funeral.
The gamong blankets are frequently used for funerary purposes. They are used in Ifugao, Benguet, and Mt. Province. The gamong is made up of 4 panels (2 adolna, 2 talungtung). It is quite similar to the Pinagpagan with the binongogan and hinulgi pairs. However, it does not have the pinnit or bab’ana designs.
The hape has the same function as the baya’ung, but is more frequently used by women and unmarried men. It is made up of 3 identical panels connected by stitching. It is predominantly black, with white stripes in the middle and white and red fringes on 2 opposite edges.
The kintog is a blanket used by the lower class. It is identified by being predominantly white with black strips, reverse of the hape. It is also used as an oban (baby sling).
The kintog plays a legal role in recognition of illegitimate children. A man giving a kintog as a gift to an unwed mother is seen as binding admission of paternity.
(reposted from Ifugao Nation FB page)